Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Tipping Point

What will the tipping point be? There are several possible tipping points to talk about.

1) The point that debt becomes so much that our economy becomes insolvent.
2) The point that individual liberties are so devastated that people start going seditious movements.
3) The point that taxes become to egregious that we simply refuse to pay them.

I'm sure there are a few more, but there are becoming so many I'm having a hard time keeping them all straight.

But beyond these three basic points I've mentioned above, there is a more subtle one. That point at which a significant percentage of the population, a particular percentage of the population, has finally had it. What percentage? The workers. The industry builders. The inventors. The true entrepreneurs. The creative minds of the nation. The ex-military heroes and leaders. In other words that percentage that accounts for like 95% of the federal budget. For the sake of conventience I'll add in anyone that pays at least 5% of their income in federal taxes. I can't include those that pay state taxes, sorry. They very so much its not possible. I know 5% might not seem like much for someone who makes two hundred thousand a year, but for those out there making twenty thousand, that 5% is kinda painful. I know, I've been there. My family makes more than $90 thousand now, and we're went over 15% last year (over 22% if you include state). Pain is all relative. I could sure use that ten thousand or so a year. I'd even give a portion of it to charity! More than I do now, anyway. But the government doesn't really give m that choice, do they?

So there's that percentage that is almost undefinable of a portion of the population that cuts across almost all lines. For some strange reason these people are mostly conservative. Go figure! For some strange reason (snark), it seems most of the non-tax payers are liberals. How the hell did that happen? Well, wasn't it Thomas Jefferson that said a democracy would only survive until the electorate would realize that could vote itself goodies from the treasury?

So what do we have now? We have democrats promising unlimited goodies to anyone who will vote for them. Free healthcare (not free, just nationalized), free housing, free food, guaranteed jobs (if you feel like it), free bailouts if your house is destroyed because you built it in a tornado zone, etc, etc, etc. Sound kinda like what Thomas Jefferson talked about?

I'm talking like this because I sense a dynamic after this last election I've never felt before. I'm not 100 years old, but I'm also not 18. I've been through fifteen election cycles, eight presidential cycles, that I was old enough to remember. I've never seen this sort of shit before. The democrats and their allies in the uber left fringe are completely unhinged. They're the first to accuse of hate, but you don't see the right doing any of it now, only the left. AND THEY WON! There is significant concern here that now that they have won, they will make it impossible for anyone else to. Obama is already going on about revoking ALL presidential executive orders. Don't get me wrong, these things are about as anti-liberatrian as possible, but no president before ever stepped in and attempted to scorch-earth the previous administration.

The first 100 days will be very telling. He's got a big hardon over the possibility of throwing down his thug thizzle on capital gains, raising them to 75%, and also going after the coal industry. Either of these moves during a recession is like throwing gasoline on a brush fire. The voters aren't idiots, just blind sheep. If the economy goes into a complete nosedive in the first six months, the dems will get slaughtered in the mid term.

Once again, it's wait and see. But I'm going to be prepared as possible. The old Gods will have to be merciful for us to make it through this one.

Friday, November 07, 2008

All HAIL THE ONE! He Hath Ascended...

President Barack Hussien Obama. Wrap your lips around that one and think on it for a while. Besides this man being the most liberal president since FDR, there is a lot more there that leaves me stunned. The fact of his heritage is much bigger (IMHO), than the fact that he is black. BTW, he isn't the first black president. If you follow the insistence of some people, even 1/10th black blood is enough to make you black. In that case Warren Harding (29th Pres) was certainly, his great grandmother was black. But ultimately, who gives a crap? What is more stunning is Obama's muslim ancestry. What's the big deal? We're in a real struggle around the world with murderous muslim terrorists, and only seven years out from the most devastating attack on US soil, by muslims. Amazing. The only thing that would have been more stunning would have been if after WWII, the first president elected would be of direct German or Japanese ancestry. Does this signal some sort of 'maturing' of our society, or a deep seated suicidal tendency that would leave Freud shaking his head? I don't know, but it still amazes me.
Beyond all that, Obama had his first presser today, and he continued from the campaign without losing a beat. Everywhere the man walked for the last year has been like watching a clown at a parade. Every few feet he reaches into his pocket and throws out seemingly endless handfuls of treats, toys, and goodies. This is exactly what Obama is doing. I'm trying to think, is there anyone or anything he hasn't volunteered the federal treasury to rescue? Let's see;

1) Wall Street - Check
2) Huge insurance companies - Check
3) Massive government controlled real estate lenders practicing bad policies - Check.
4) Automotive companies no longer able to compete because of unions sucking them dry - Check
5) States in trouble - Check
6) CITIES - Check
7) Basically every idiot who bought something on credit the couldn't afford - CHECK!

OMFG! In the speech he really said it, I had to back up the DVR twice and listen. States who were in trouble would be bailed out so that states didn't have to raise taxes. Same for some cities. Auto companies. Individuals who can't pay their mortgages. Back in the great depression Hoover spent millions creating make-work jobs, to no avail. The only thing that saved us was WWII. Obama is taking it one step further. He's just going to pay everyone off. My wife and I have two car loans and they're squeezing us a bit. I think I'm going to email Obama and ask for a bailout!

So tell me this, where exactly is this money coming from? Part of the turbulence we've just experienced was the result of our currency on shaky ground. If we weren't five trillion in debt, there wouldn't have been a credit crisis. His solution, spend another trillion or two! Whoo-hoo! Money for everyone. The democrats sneered at President Bush's stimulus checks last year as a gimmick (even though we now know that it helped, a little), but Obama didn't miss a beat saying he's going to send everyone an 'energy offset' check for $1,000.00. At least he's planning on taxing the oil companies a windfall tax on that. Not that this is a sane way to celebrate lowered gas prices, but it won't stop him. Oh, and all the time he's opening the treasury and offering everyone a basket to better carry out the loot, he's saying he wants to balance the budget, lower the defeceit, and return fiscal responsibility to DC. Are you fraking kidding me? I was always amazed at Bill Clinton's ability to lie with a straight face (and make people smile in the process), but this guy's Svengali ability sends a chill up my spine (unlike Chris Mathews thrill somewhere else). It's like Vader reaching out with the force, believe him or be crushed.

So, where do we go from here? If he can manage to hand out money for the next two years, no where but down. Besides, I'm sure every bad hiccup for the next four years will be blamed on Bush. The best hope for any conservatism at all is a meltdown on Obama's part. He's promised so many, so much, there is no way in hell he can come close. And as we've seen from the moonbats on the web, these people are dangerous. If he doesn't tow the, daily kos, code pinko line, they'll turn on his like an alley cat. Does that mean he'll do what they want? Unlikley. Obama only does what he wants.

Here's what we need to watch closely;

1) Fairness doctrine. If Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid get this atrocious thing through, the opposition is dead. Some of you might think that is a good thing, but I want you go back in history and tell me where in history when an opposition party is obliterated that this has served the people? One party or the other in complete unfettered control is not how our nation is structured. At least not any more (I'm referring to the time before parties, it won't be back). Talk radio has energized the national debate, and no matter how you look at it, this is a good thing. You really want all those scary right-wingers out there in the streets with guns instead of in their basements listening to Micheal Savage?
2) Tax rebates. If he rolls out a long list of 'tax rebates' and makes sure they go to everyone (if you don't pay taxes in the first place and get a check, then that is not a rebate, its welfare), then he's trying to distract us with Bread-and-Circuses. Watch more closely.
3) Tax cut repeals. Obama was all about giving 95% of us a tax rebate (even though some 40% don't pay anything now), then he says he'll repeal the Bush tax cuts. Well, me and a few million other middle income families got more than a few hundred from those tax cuts. So tell me how that isn't a tax increase?
4) Remove 401(k). Yep, not kidding on this one. They are talking right now about removing the tax exemption for the 401(k). Instead you can contribute to a 'federal retirement fund' and be given a little 3% growth each year. Even this year, most 401(k)s will do better than 3%. But he likes this because the government will 'own' those funds, and a little bonus is if you die before exhausting the funds? The government keeps half! WTF? Why do democrats love taking dead peoples money?
5) Guns, guns, guns. Yeah, I'm talking about guns. Obama is a gun hater from way back. Whenever a democrat talks about 'not restricting a hunters rights' or 'common sense gun control', I want to run for the nearest gun store. I don't really think much will happen in his first term, too much more to do. Count on a return of the nonsensical assault weapons ban and closing of the so called gun show loophole. He'll save the real damage for a second term, maybe after appointing an ultra left supreme court justice or two. If he takes this on early, its a real bad sign. Obama doesn't tackle stuff that he can't win. Gun sales nationally are up 15%. After January 20th, i suspected sales will have doubled.
6) National Service -This is the most Orwellian of them all. He said during the primaries that we need a homeland security force, "as well funded, as well trained, and as well equipped as the US military". Yeah, his words. What, in addition to the FBI, CIA, NSA? Is he serious? We spend more than half a trillion on national defense already. Add another half a trillion. And besides, what are they supposed to do? Guard the polls? Help ACORN register democrats? Confiscate private firearms? No, save that for the second term. It's hard not to look at this and think of rows of well dressed brown shirts marching in formation. But that besides, he said that every highschool kid should be REQUIRED to "volunteer" 5o hours a year, and every college student be REQUIRED to "volunteer" 100 hours a year. Really? Sounds a lot like endentured servitude, or SLAVERY. Required? Oh, he dropped that line today, but even though its gone, it is still a rare view into what Obama thinks. Even more valuable than telling Joe the Plumber to spread the wealth.

Keep a watch on all of these. And lets see just how 'post partisan' he is with Republicans who still hold enough seats in the senate to filibuster. I suspect when he reaches across the isle, he'll be holding a billyclub behind his back.

So all hail President Barack Hussien Obama. He is our next president, there is no denying that. What the future will bring under a president Obama, there is a lot of denying and questions there. As a McCain supporter (only because be beat Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney), I'm going to spend a lot of time dodging the news on the TV. If the press loved him before, I can't imagine what will happen now. Will he have to get a restraining order against Chris Mathews because he wants another thrill up his leg? Most new presidents have a honeymoon, but a four year honeymoon?